Extra Water Absorbent Towels
One of our most important expectations is that our towels are soft. However, non-water absorbent towel is extremely annoying. Silicone is used to soften the towels made of low quality yarn. Silicone prevents the water absorbency of the towels. For this reason, we recommend that you do not use softener containing silicone when washing your towel. The reason for this is that the silicone covers the fiber of the yarn and the capillary system that provides water absorption is blocked.
As Evteks, we produce towels that are both soft and highly absorbent. This is primarily due to the long fiber quality cotton yarn we use in production and the dyehouse processes with organic certification. Since the cotton fibers we use are long and the yarn twist is produced at an optimal level, we produce towels that are both very soft and have fast water absorption and high water absorption capacity. Loosely twisted towels made of quality cotton offer the softest and most absorbent properties for domestic use. The water absorption capacity of the towel is called hydrophilicity in technical language.
As I mentioned above, keeping your towel soft depends not only on the detergent you use, but also on how you dry the towel. Spinning at high speed and especially the towels thrown into the dryer will be extra soft. The reason for this can be explained by the whisking of the cotton. The more it is whipped, the softer it gets.
Call Evteks for more information about soft quality Turkish towels.